Toronto – February 2020: Clown Workshops with John Turner

John will be in Toronto this February 2020 for two great weekends!

In the spirit of clown work being an ongoing developing practice both of these weekend workshops can be repeated effectively many times. Each participant is engaged at their level of development and can always be working on new material or addressing issues in earlier work. In witnessing others working the advanced student is reminded of the importance of fundamentals and the newer student witnesses how far the work can go.

Additionally, people wishing to work in prearranged duos can also be accommodated. Some Joey & Auguste work or experience is beneficial. Those wishing to work in duos should discuss it with John in advance.

Weekend 1: Stretching and Strengthening Your Clown
February 1st and 2nd (Saturday and Sunday 9:30 am – 6 pm)

Weekend 2: Toronto Clown Turns Workshop
February 8th and 9th (Saturday and Sunday 9:30 am – 6 pm)

These two workshops combined represent a shortened version of the full 50-hour Boot Camp offered here at the MCCP on Manitoulin Island each summer. Space is limited so register soon!

Location: Both workshops will be held at Dovercourt House – 2nd Floor, 805 Dovercourt Road, Toronto, ON M6H 2X4

Cost: Fee: $300 + $39 HST = $339.00 for each course or $500 + $65 HST=$565.00 for both.

Weekend 1: Stretching and Strengthening Your Clown
Saturday, Feb 1, 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Sunday, Feb 2, 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
$300.00 + $39.00 HST = $339.00 (16 hours)
(Take both workshops for $500.00 + $65.00 HST = $565.00)

This workshop is the next stage of exploration after Baby Clown. Using various writing from the body and mask development techniques and exercises, that evoke both left and right brain involvement, the participants explore their own unique approach to the creation of material. The worlds of the masks and colours are expanded upon (including the establishment of the gesture work) to deepen the student’s relationship with them as both a source for material and as character for performance. This workshop is perfect for those coming fresh out of The Mask and Clown Intensive (Baby Clown) or for those who seek to reacquaint themselves with the foundations of this style. The material generated can then be used as a starting point for the following Turns Workshop.

Prerequisites: The Pochinko-style Mask and Clown Intensive (Baby Clown) or Clown Through Mask (6 masks) .

Toronto Clown Turns Workshop
Saturday, Feb 8, 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Sunday, Feb 9, 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
$300.00 + $39.00 = $339.00 (17 hours)
(Take both workshops for $500.00 + $65.00 HST = $565.00)

This workshop is designed for those who wish to work on developing and performing short clown pieces. The majority of class time will be devoted to the creation of turns and on performance; with additional time for exercises, discussion, & the exploration of themes that arise during class.
Students should bring a short turn that is less than 5 minutes to work on during class. This can include work not traditionally considered clown (i.e. text, song or dance) especially if students wish to explore the broader application of clown and mask to a variety of performance genres.

While this course is largely designed for students who have completed the Pochinko Style Mask and Clown Intensive (Baby Clown) or Clown Through Mask (6 masks) is not a prerequisite. However, some clown creation and performance experience is definitely a benefit.

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